Stupid CoWorkers

My sister is a very intelligent woman when it comes to “book smarts,” but a little naive in the ways of the real world. She used to work as a waitress, which I won’t knock, because it IS a hard job. But when the cooks told her to go to the basement (restaurant had no basement) to get the dehydrated water, she searched for the basement entrance for an hour before realizing she’d been the butt of a joke. Another time, one of the salad girls had been busy, so my sister decided to make the salad herself. Just as she was carrying it to the customer, the salad girl grabbed her and said “what are you doing?” My sister said “well, she asked for the dressing on the side.” You guessed it- she had put a little salad in the middle of the plate and poured dressing around the edges!

Stupid Bosses

“This boss delighted in intimidating others and making them cry. Once, she stood over me and screamed, ‘I am your boss, I am your boss, I am your boss’. Three times! Then, she did a Nazi raised hand type movement over my head. Eventually, she made my life so miserable that I had to leave. I told her that she was the most obnoxious woman I have ever met.”

“I was preparing an article and asked my boss to review and approve it, so that I could take my upcoming scheduled vacation. My boss waited until the last minute, then verbally assaulted me for 30 minutes straight about the article and who knows what else. She told me I was an embarrassment to the establishment and that I should skip my vacation with my family and pay more attention to my work. I was so devastated, I couldn’t stop crying. It took me nearly three years to recover from that attack and to start to feel confident in myself and my abilities again.”

“My boss expected perfection from everyone. One day, we were having a meeting and discussing some uncomfortable topics. Unfortunately, some people returned from lunch five minutes late. Our manager hit the roof! The already tense room became a time bomb. The boss I really liked became someone I really didn’t want to be around. Was it really such a big deal that these people were five minutes late? The reaction just seemed blown way out of proportion. The boss I once liked became a very ugly person.”

Stupid Tech Support

An instructor in the BASIC programming language was teaching his class how to write a simple program and execute it. When each student had all their program steps keyed in, he told the class to type R-U-N and enter. A lady in the back of the class said that it didn’t work. It turned out, when the instructor had said to type R-U-N, she had typed, “are you in.”

Stupid Bosses

OK, I know you have them…let’s hear it…

My boss (VP of HR) watches people like a hawk to make sure that they are putting in their 8 hours, yet sneaks out the back door to leave early on a regular basis.

She also has NO idea how web pages work. She insists on double clicking hyperlinks. DUH!

She also gets lost driving to work! NO KIDDING. Her husband finally bought her a car with a GPS.

Get me outta here!