Stupid Customers

I worked as a technician for a company that sold computers. One time a woman was having trouble turning on her computer. I stopped by her house and quickly discovered the problem. She had gotten into the habit of turning the computer on by first pressing the power switch on the computer, then the power switch on the monitor. But somehow, they had gotten out of sync, so when the computer was on, the monitor was off, or vice versa. So no matter how many times she flipped both switches, the computer just wouldn’t seem to work.

Stupid Bosses

A typical thing that my stupid boss does is to have a half assed idea about something and then leave me to figure out how to make it work. That way I end up doing all the work and having all the heart ache, and my boss can take all the credit because in his eyes all I was doing is finishing off something that he started.

There’s a Dilbert cartoon that sums him up brilliantly where Dilbert’s boss says “I didn’t know how to design a power supply, so I put a nail in a piece of wood… I’ll leave my files with you so you can finish it off while I’m on holiday”.

That just so sums up my stupid lazy boss!


Stupid Bosses

I’m a teacher in a huge public school. My principal is the most self-centered, obnoxious “c”-word I’ve ever known. In fact, let’s just call her “The C”. When The C got a big fat bonus for improved test results, she bought herself some luxury items (can’t get too specific here, but let’s say one of them involves anally electrocuted animals) and the teachers who did the actual work got some praise from her & nothing else.

The C has her little pets & anything they do is fine. They could shit on the floor & she would fall all over them with praise & happy dance. Her pets get away with murder.

The C is incompetent. She knows nothing about teaching or what goes on in a classroom. All she wants to know is that the bigwigs will be impressed with “her” school when they visit. She learns some education buzzwords & tosses them around to make herself look like she knows what she’s talking about. She has no idea what they mean, but we better be doing them in our classroom or else!

The C hates me because I’m not afraid to blow the whistle on her. The way she gets back at me is to hurt my students, I can’t be specific about here. All I want to do when I get to school is shut myself in my room with my students. I put all my energy towards them & try to shut out the immoral, hypocritical bullshit.

The vice-principal told me that The C mocks me behind my back. And I overheard The C talking about the vice-principal by saying that she (The C) doesn’t trust Jews. She’s an ignorant racist who hates white people & nonchristians. I’m both.

Now that you know all this, you will see how repulsive it is when The C makes a big deal about how Christian she is. She makes me S.I.C.K!!! I would be thrilled if something awful and painful happened to her, like if she was abducted by torturers I really would be happy. At least I know the miserable C will rot in hell when she finally dies.


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Stupid Customers

I do tech support at a computer parts vendor and system builder. I take calls from dealers and other technical professionals. Last week I had a call from a woman who began her call by giving me a long listing of her credentials, beginning with her four years at MIT, covering her ten plus years of service in the tech support departments of various technology corporations, and ending with her forming a successful computer consulting and repair service. Then she asked her question:

Customer: “Do I have to plug in this new power supply to make it work?”