Stupid Bosses

So I work at this stupid ass call center. I get pulled into the office by my soon to be a manager. She basically said that everybody is doing SOOOO much better than me:( She didn’t bother to show me stats:( Anyway, I have to act like I really care about this loser ass minimum wage job because I got to keep it until I get a second job:( I am looking as we speak to find something better cause too many fucking people worship this job!!!! Its easy to get in because its bullshit.

Stupid Things Overheard

Support staff: Hello, how can I help you?

Caller: Can I speak to Nora?

Support staff: I’m sorry, there is no Nora in this office.

Caller: I called yesterday too.

Support staff: Yes, I remember. There was no Nora yesterday, either.

Stupid CoWorkers

Once I got called to the office of a co-worker (let’s call him Joe User) to help him figure out his username (he knew his password).

* Me: “Your username is ‘Joe User’.”

* Him: “Unacceptable! How much am I supposed to remember? I can only remember a certain number of things.”

* Me: “Wouldn’t one of those things be your name?”

* Him: “I guess I’ll have to write it down.”

He proceeded to write his own name on a sticky note and attach it to his monitor.

Stupid Customers

(I work at an asthma and allergy specialists office, and a mom called me 5 minutes to 5:00 pm on a Friday. We were getting ready to close for the weekend.)

Me: “Thank you for calling ****, my name is ****, how can I help you?”

Caller: “Yes, I need to bring my son in…”

Me: “Ma’am, we close our office at 5:00pm, and we don’t work weekends. Would you like to talk to the nurse?”

Caller: “No, he needs to see a doctor right now!”

Me: “Well, we have our doctor on call – you’re more than welcome to call him. He can answer your questions and help with anything–”

Caller: “Do you speak English?! I just told you that my son needs to be seen right now! He’s had this cough since Monday, and he hasn’t been breathing right since he got it!”

Me: “Well, it seems that if he’s been that bad since Monday, you would have brought him in then to be seen, or even Tuesday, and not wait until the weekend to call…”

Caller: “I was really busy this week! I had an appointment at the salon almost every day after work to get my hair done, my nails…. I just didn’t have time! I have time today because the stylist just called me; she had an emergency and had to re-schedule.”

Me: “Ma’am, right now our office is closed. Please take your son to the emergency room, as it seems like he needs to be seen immediately to have that cough taken care of.”

Caller: *very agitated* “If I take him to the ER, that’s a $100.00 copay! That would eat into my salon funds!”

Me: “…”