Stupid Bosses

My boss is so negative that when she’s in the office a cloud of negativity and tension hangs over everyone. I swear this woman has not had a positive thought in her life. When she is here the office is completely quiet except for the constant sighs of disgust coming from her office. I have never heard her say anything nice about any of my coworkers and have found out from other coworkers that she talks bad about me all the time. Of course that is not a surprise to me because she talks bad about everyone else to me every chance she gets.

She constantly yells at me and gets nasty with me about every little thing she thinks I did wrong, even if she’s the one that made the mistake or told me to do something a certain way. If I ask her to take on more of the workload to free her up she comes up with an excuse not to let me do it but tells someone else that she wouldnt have me do it because I just wont do it right. She doesnt know this because she wont let me do hardly anything.

This is a small company so everyone knows everyone else and people come to me all the time instead of her because they dont want to have to deal with her. I also get a lot of my coworkers that don’t work for her coming to me to vent about the way she treats them.

Its gotten so bad here that I wont even go in her office. I wait till she goes out for a cigarette break before I will go in there for anything. Anything to stay away from her and her attitude.

Your Superhero Co-workers

The Riddler: You never really understand this type of co-worker. Sometimes he’s nice, sometimes unfriendly, sometimes knowledgeable, and sometimes dumb. The Riddler smokes and drinks and eats, but so irregularly that you wonder if he’s a smoker, or a drinker (or an eater).

Invisible Woman: The Invisible Woman (pictured below) is largely unnoticed in your office. She’s on the payroll, so everyone understands she’s somehow doing a good job, though no one understands exactly what this job is. Invisible Woman will avoid all after-work socialization, quietly leaving when work is done. The Invisible Woman doesn’t need to call in sick as no one will notice her missing anyway.

The Punisher: The Punisher is usually higher up in the hierarchy as he likes to bully people. When you did something wrong, The Punisher arrives on the scene to make you feel it by use of excessive force. Sometimes, when there’s two Punishers in one office, a no holds barred battle is going to erupt.

Stupid CoWorkers

I got a call from someone in our office.

Friend: “My computer’s dead.”

Me: “Ok, can you tell me what’s wrong with it?”

Friend: “The screen’s black. I got some coffee, came back, and the screen was black.”

It was a short walk to her desk, so off I go. Looking at the monitor, I saw that it was on with no flashing red lights, so I knew it was connected to the computer. Instinctively, my hand went to the mouse, and snap. The screen came back with all her work.

Friend: “WHAT DID YOU DO!?”

Me: “I moved your mouse. It was your screen saver.”

Friend: “Thanks! You’re a lifesaver!”

Stupid Bosses

I am angry because this little fat Italian woman gets paid a lot more than the rest of us and what does she do? She sits on her fat ass all day doing nothing and has no people skills whatsoever. I am submitting this rant because she spoke down to me today and spoke to me as if I was an idiot. I stood up for what I believed in and tried to give her my thoughts but because she is level above me, she had to be the RIGHT one all the time. Well, listen, I, along with my co-workers, have a life too outside work but we have to change our working life to accommodate the business! But because this woman has to pick up her daughter, she had to leave work early so us lowly workers have to leave as well “for security reasons”. Why can’t she just say to the rest of us it’s because “we don’t trust you people”? Surely, what do they think we’d do? Run amok inside the office, vandalizing and looting the equipment?? I think not. Oh, this woman also thinks she is above us because she lives near the city and not out in the suburbs and she has a millionaire for a father who bought her an expensive brand new car. Who do you think you are, Tina??