Stupid CoWorkers

I’m an RN in Ohio who is on the brink of emotional meltdown. Prior to this, I was a Paramedic and damn did I love that job. I entered into nursing as what I figured was the next logical step. Medicine has always intrigued me. What I didn’t expect was how there is a total and complete lack of support out here for nurses. I think this is the crux of the problem. Hey…i’ll turn around so you can see the whip marks on my back!!!!!

Stupid CoWorkers

My sad story is about a woman I used to work with (best day of my life was when I left the company).

It’s so hard to know where to begin with this silly cow. However, we’ll start by calling her “Ashley”. I was the receptionist/administrator for the department and saw all the potential hires (and read most of the resumes) for “Ashley’s” job. She was certainly not the most suitable applicant by a mile but I digress.

Stupid CoWorkers

This is about the most awful place i’ve worked. I had just finished a long temp assign in accounts proccessing and applied for a permanent position in administration at a new company. At first all seemed fine and i received the call back to say they were offering me the position. I was so happy i finally had a permanent job when it started. I have extensive experience in administration and accounts but they said that i would be starting on traineeship wages and had to complete the government approved training course before i would receive full wages.

Stupid Bosses

I work for a market research company in Data Processing dept. team leader doesn’t know anything…but he got this job based on his experience….When he’s asking me to give him some info on some project i give just a short explanation ..he want’s details ..when i give him details he gets very upset (probably on him) coz he doesn’t know what i am talking about.