Stupid Customers

Customer: “Hey, how good is this book?” *holds a fantasy book*

Me: “I don’t know, I haven’t read it. But you might want to start with the first one in the series, if we have it right now…”

Customer: “You haven’t read it? You’re gotta be kidding me! Really, they hire anyone these days. I guess I’ll try it, then. You said it’s not the first


Me: “No, and it seems that we don’t have the first book in this series. If you want, you can leave your name and number and we will call you if someone sells it.”

Customer: “No, no, that will be fine. I’ll just come back. When will you get it?”

Me: “I don’t know, sir. We’re a used books store. We only get books when people sell them to us.”

Customer: “I know that, I’m not stupid! When will someone sell you this book?”

Me: “I don’t know, sir.”

Customer: *rolls his eyes* “I can’t believe they hired you. I bet it’s only because you’re pretty!”

Me: “Er…thanks, I guess?”

Stupid CoWorkers

Once I got called to the office of a co-worker (let’s call him Joe User) to help him figure out his username (he knew his password).

* Me: “Your username is ‘Joe User’.”

* Him: “Unacceptable! How much am I supposed to remember? I can only remember a certain number of things.”

* Me: “Wouldn’t one of those things be your name?”

* Him: “I guess I’ll have to write it down.”

He proceeded to write his own name on a sticky note and attach it to his monitor.

Stupid Customers

(While working the overnight shift alone, a single customer walks into the store and walks to my register.)

Customer: “What would you do if I robbed you?”

Me: “…I’d call the cops.”

Customer: “What about if I had a knife to your throat?”

Me: “Do you really think those are good questions to be asking me?”

Customer: “Okay, let’s just say I have a gun in your face.”

Me: “Get out. Now.”

Customer: “Sheesh, I was just trying to have a friendly conversation with you…” *leaves*

Stupid Bosses

I work for a small company – I mean really small. Basically it is the Owner, The Office Manager, and me, the Graphic Designer. When I took the job I was not aware that the Office Manager and the owner where dating. The Owner is never around and she acts like she is my boss – or “my boss through injection” as I like to call it. This would be fine if she was not such a total pain! Firstly, she makes edits to my work that the customer did not even request, just so that she can exercise her control-freak nature. Secondly, she is running the business into the ground…