Stupid Bosses

My female boss was the self-appointed office manager. Self-appointed because she was a company director. She’d got there because she’d once been married to the guy who started the business, and when they divorced he couldn’t get rid of her because he’d made her a director of the company while they were married, (yes, he was REALLY stupid). She was so incompetent at managing the company finances that she failed to pay compulsory taxes and staff superannuation over a number of years, (shoved the tax documents into a filing cabinet draw and thought they’d go away), thus causing the company severe financial problems when the taxman finally arrived to see what was going on. ONLY THEN would she sell her share in their company to her ex-husband, who had been trying to get rid of her for years. ONLY THEN did he realise that she’d made a giant mess of the cashflow, because he hadn’t made her report to him even once during their marriage or since their divorce.

Stupid CoWorkers

I used to work at a large department store chain. One day after I had just clocked in, I noticed several of the customers entering the store began coughing violently and the front end manager began complaining of headaches. I paid no mind to any of this and headed to the back of the store. Five minutes later they called for an evacuation of the entire store. Two and a half hours after waiting in the parking lot, one of the firemen explained what had happened. Apparently one of our dumber co-workers, who had obviously had no knowledge of high school chemistry, had dumped ammonia and bleach down the drain of the food court. For those of you want to know, they combine to form cyanide gas. Needless to say, he was terminated shortly afterwards.


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Stupid Students

During our high school homecoming week, each class has to make a Homecoming poster to be displayed in a business window downtown. A girl in our senior class asked us what our poster was going to be. We jokingly told her that we were going to pose as mannequins for the entire week in our designated window. To our surprise, she seriously responded with,”Wow! That will be really cool. But what are you going to do at night?”

Stupid CoWorkers

I work in the publicity department of a publishing house specializing in illustrated books, and we receive many requests for free review copies. Recently we received a letter from an inmate requesting a book for the prison library. Apparently, he had been sentenced to 10 years and enjoyed drawing. While debating the cost of humanitarianism against sending an expensive book to a prisoner, a co-worker from another department, who had been listening to the discussion, asked, “What’s he in for? “He’s a cat burglar,” I replied. Her face darkened, and she blurted, “Don’t send it to him he’s lying.” “How do you know?” I asked. “You don’t get 10 years for stealing cats,” she said.


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