(I have a sticker on my car that reads “Caution: Driver Singing”. I pulled up into work when a customer tapped me on the shoulder.)
Customer: “Hey.”
Me: “Um, hi?”
Customer: “I thought so! You’re that girl with the singing bumper sticker, aren’t you?”
Me: “Oh! Yes, I am.”
Customer: “I passed you in the parking lot at yesterday. You weren’t singing.”
Me: “Oh, well, I’ve had a sore throat.”
Customer: *completely serious* “You should always be singing, you know.”
Me: “Um…”
Customer: “In a car like that, you should always be singing so your sticker doesn’t lie!”
Me: “Well, the other day when you passed me? I was humming.”
Customer: *perfectly happy again* “Oh, really? Well, that’s alright then!”