Me: “Hi, what can I get for ya?”
Customer: “Yeah, um…do you guys serve breakfast?”
Me: “Oh no, sorry, we only serve brunch on Sundays. We have bagels and pastries in the case right there.” *pointing*
Customer: “Hmm, no, I really wanted breakfast.”
Me: “Sorry, it’s just Sundays.”
Customer: “But I smell bacon!”
Me: “Yeah, the cook is in the back prepping for the day, and we have some sandwiches with bacon on them.”
Customer: “I smell bacon! You serve breakfast! I want a hot breakfast!”
Me: “Uh, no… just brunch on Sundays. Our lunch starts at 11:00am if you want to come back.”
Customer: “NO! I smell bacon and I want breakfast now!” *storms out*
Me: “…”