Stupid Customers

(While working the overnight shift alone, a single customer walks into the store and walks to my register.)

Customer: “What would you do if I robbed you?”

Me: “…I’d call the cops.”

Customer: “What about if I had a knife to your throat?”

Me: “Do you really think those are good questions to be asking me?”

Customer: “Okay, let’s just say I have a gun in your face.”

Me: “Get out. Now.”

Customer: “Sheesh, I was just trying to have a friendly conversation with you…” *leaves*

Stupid Bosses

Please help me I feel like I am stuck in hell. My boss is the moodiest person I have ever been around in my life and you never know what you are going to get with her. One day she is nice and the next day a total bitch! She is always making rude comments about everything and she never says thank you.

Stupid Customers

Me: “Hey there, how can I help you?”

Customer: “Yes, I’d like to know the 9 types of lemonade you have.”

Me: “I’m sorry sir, we only have ONE kind of lemonade and we’re out of it.”

Customer: “Okay, but what are your 9 different types?”

Me: “Sir, I don’t think you understand. We only have one kind of lemonade and we’re currently out of it.”

Customer: “Okay.”

(The customer walks away, only to come back five minutes later.)

Customer: “If I ask you the same question from earlier, you’re still going to give me the same answer, aren’t you?”

Me: “Yes…”

Stupid CoWorkers

Coworker #1, after big move: Hey, we’ve got another box empty.

Coworker #2: Great, we can use it for these mystery files until they’ve got somewhere to go.

Coworker #1: Really? Um, I was going to start building a fort with it.