Stupid CoWorkers

Office Douche Bag Video, The Christmas Party…

Stupid Customers

(I’m a female. I’ve recently shaved my head for charity.)

Customer’s Son: “Mum, there’s a boy-lady!”

Customer: *distracted* “Is there darling?”

Customer’s Son: “Yes, at the counter.”

(The mother glares at me.)

Customer: “I see.”

Customer’s Son: “Can I be a boy-lady?”

Customer: “No. No you cannot.”

(They finish what they’re doing and as they’re leaving the mother calls me over.)

Customer: “I don’t care what you do at home, but if you want to pass for female in public, buy a d*** wig. You’re corrupting the kids!”

Stupid CoWorkers

College-educated marketing coordinator: Do you know what he’s asking for?

Designer: He wants you to get a quote to print the postcards.

College-educated marketing coordinator: I know, but what does “two comma one hundred” mean?

Designer: He wants a quote on two-thousand, one hundred postcards.

College-educated marketing coordinator: Oh.

Stupid CoWorkers