Stupid Customers

Me: “Hello. What can I get for you?”

Customer: “I’d like a grilled cheese without the bread.”

Me: “I’m sorry. Our grilled cheese only comes on bread.”

Customer: “Well, I don’t like bread. Your menu says I can have a grilled cheese, and I want it without bread!”

Me: “Okay, I will be right back with that.”

(I walk into the kitchen, and tell the cook the request. She puts two slices of cheese on a plate, and microwaves it. I then take it out to the Customer.)

Me: “Here you go.”

Customer: “What is this? This isn’t a grilled cheese. Where are the grill marks?”

Stupid CoWorkers

Asian CoWorker: Yeah, my wedding is going to be a Western wedding and not a traditional Chinese one.

Blonde CoWorker: (silent and perplexed)

Asian CoWorker: Noticing the confusion: Like, Western culturally. Not like cowboy-and-Indians Western, you know.

Blonde CoWorker: Ohh, OK! I was totally gonna say that would be a really weird wedding!

Stupid Customers

Client called and asked: “hello, just want to check with you. I thought the web site you designed for us is supposed to have flash animation?”

Me: “Yes, it has. Right there on the home page. You don’t see it?”

Client: “No, I don’t see any on the print out….”

Stupid CoWorkers

CoWorker #1: Give me some jelly beans.

CoWorker #2: Fuck you! (pause) And don’t call me jelly beans.