Stupid CoWorkers

A conversation with a customer on the phone:

Customer: “I need to get a return authorization. This isn’t what I needed’

Stupid Co-Worker: “I’m sorry Sir, but I won’t be able to get you that, um, return authorization until tomorrow. You see, our CEO is demanding a report for our biggest customer and, um, well, they are more important”

The customer hung up and my Co-Worker didn’t have a clue why.

Stupid CoWorkers

Boss, with customer on phone: Mr Jones says he doesn’t understand this bill you sent him.

CoWorker: quietly, from across the room: It isn’t complicated, can’t he read?

Boss, loudly, next to phone: Yes, he can read!

Stupid Customers

Lost customer: “Pardon me, sir. I’m lost. Can you help me, please?”

Me: “Sure. What are you looking for?”

Lost customer: “I’m looking for Milkjer Blvd.”

Me: “I’ve never heard of it.”

Lost customer: “Yeah, it’s a weird spelling. But it’s clearly Milkjer Blvd.”

Me: “Can I see your directions?”

Lost customer: “Sure. See, it’s spelled M-L-K-J-r Blvd.”

Stupid CoWorkers

Male CoWorker #1: What happened to my entire box of staples?

Male Coworker #2: You threw them all at me, remember?

Male Coworker #1: Oh, that’s right. Thanks for replacing them, by the way.