Stupid CoWorkers

Customer: Good morning. How may I direct your call?

CoWorkers: I’m looking for Dick. I mean, I’m looking for a dick. I mean, I’m looking for someone named Dick.

Stupid Customers

Stupid Customer: “Hey, I want a drink without any alcohol. What do you have?”

Me: “Well, can I get you a soda or something? Maybe some juice?”

Stupid Customer: “Can I get a virgin long island?”

Me: “You mean, you want an iced tea?”

Stupid Customer: “No, I want a virgin long island.”

Me: “But, a long island is mostly alcohol. I mean, there are five shots in it. Then some sour and some coke. Do you want a glass of sour and coke?”

Stupid Customer: “Is that alcoholic?”

(I give up and hand her an iced tea.)

Stupid Customer, turning to a friend: *excitedly* “I got a virgin long island!”

Stupid CoWorkers

Stupid CoWorkers #1: So your sister had surgery?

Stupid CoWorkers #2: Yeah, she had a hysterectomy.

Stupid CoWorkers #1: Oh, wow, so she don’t want more kids.

Stupid CoWorkers #2: Well, she had a c-section with the last one and there was so much scar tissue in her uterus that she was having never-ending periods and just bleeding for months on end. She said she was not doing anything but bleeding and passing golf ball-sized clots and ruining her furniture, clothes, sheets. She was tired of having really bloody periods.

Stupid CoWorkers #1: Oh.

Stupid Things Overheard

Model #1: You’ve got goosebumps, baby!

Model #2: Is the door propped open? It’s fucking freezing in here!

Model #3: Have some more wine. Drink yourself a blanket.