Stupid CoWorkers

Male CoWorker to female CoWorker: Wow! Nice throw, Sally! That was great!

Female CoWorker: (silent stare)

Male CoWorker to other coworkers: Did you guys see that? Sally just got her shot in the bin from four desks away!

Other CoWorker: (silent stares)

Female CoWorker, shouting: My name is Claire, you asshole! I’ve been sitting next to you for six months and you still don’t know my name! I hate this fucking place so much!

Stupid CoWorkers

Openly Gay CoWorker to IT Girl: Have you lost weight?

IT girl: Hahahaha, no, but I will totally have your babies now that you’ve said that.

Stupid Coworkers

Coworker #1: You ever fucked a girl so hard she bled?

Coworker #2: Nah, but I’ve seen it.

Coworker #1: You’ve seen it?!

Coworker #2: Yeah, I walked in on my mate and this girl.

Coworker #1: And you stayed around long enough to see that she was bleeding?!

Coworker #2: Well, it was my turn next.

Stupid Customer

Customer: “Could you tell me if this store is bisexual?”

Me: “Uh…”

Customer: “You know, like men’s clothes and women’s clothes together?”

Me: “Unisex? Yes, ma’am, the store is unisex.”

Customer: “Oh, good. Do you go both ways?”

Me: “Yes, ma’am. I can help you with all your purchases.”