Stupid CoWorkers

A Stupid CoWorker introduced herself to me yesterday and told me she hopes I enjoy my new job. I’ve worked in the same building with her for two years and say hi to her every time I see her.

Stupid Customer

(at a buffet-style restaurant where customers line up for the food.)

Manager: “Can you go refill the napkins? We’re all out.”

Me: “Sure.”

(I walk over to the line wearing my work uniform and my ID card prominently displayed.)

Me: “Excuse me, I just need to refill the napkins.”

Customer: “No problem.”

Customer #2: “Why the f*** does everyone keep cutting the line?”

Me: “Sir, I work here. I am just refilling the napkins.”

Customer #2: “Well, that is no excuse! If you work here, you should know to wait your turn!”

Stupid CoWorkers

I got stuck listening to my Coworker Stacy brag on about how sexy her fiance is for over an hour. She told me about their sex life, described his penis in great detail, and showed me pictures of him shirtless. My Coworker is 51; her fiancé is 58 and overweight.

Stupid CoWorkers

Openly gay reception guy to IT girl: Have you lost weight?

IT girl: Hahahaha, no, but I will totally have your babies now that you’ve said that.