Help desk manager: Hey, do you have that power supply for a Mac mini?
Microsoft exchange admin: What’s a mini?
Hardware tech: You should ask your wife.
Help desk phone tech: Heyo!
Help desk manager: Hey, do you have that power supply for a Mac mini?
Microsoft exchange admin: What’s a mini?
Hardware tech: You should ask your wife.
Help desk phone tech: Heyo!
Coworker #1: Hey, want to go outside to smoke?
Coworker #2: Yeah, I need to hit the toilet first.
Coworker #1: I already went.
Coworker #2: That wasn’t an invitation.
Teacher: Why are you late?
Male Student: I’m not tardy. I was at the college presentation.
Teacher: The Mount St. Mary’s presentation? Are you considering going there?
Male Student: Yeah, I really think I’m gonna go there. I stayed after to fill out the application.
Teacher: Mount St. Mary’s is a Catholic women’s college.
CoWorker, displaying new kind of cabinet: So, as you can see, it’s very sturdy and designed to last.
Female CEO: I can see that… I like a good long screw