Stupid Customers

(I was helping a caller with programming their phone. We are nearing the end of this lengthy, multi-step process.)

Me: “Now, you’re going to enter your number with the area code.”

Customer: “Okay.”

Me:“After you enter your number, select OK.”

Customer: “Okay.”

Me: “At this point, you can keep selecting OK until you see EXIT.”

Customer: “Okay.”

Me: “After you press EXIT, the phone is going to power off by itself.”

Customer: “But it’s been off the whole time.”

Me: *speechless*

Stupid CoWorkers

Manager: I just wanted to let you know your yellow nipples came back in.

CoWorker: Good, so my black nipples are now yellow?

Manager: They aren’t really nipples, they are actually pipes.

CoWorker: But the box said “nipples.”

Manager: I know you like to say that, but nipples are short, pipes are long. Got it?

CoWorker: I’ll keep that in mind!

Stupid Laws

Stupid Laws in West Virginia….

Unmarried couple who live together and “lewdly associate” with one another may face up to a year in prison.

When a railroad passes within 1 mile of a community of 100 or more people in it, they must build a station and stop there regularly to pick up and drop off passengers.

Any person who commits adultery shall be fined at least twenty dollars.

It is legal for a male to have sex with an animal as long as it does not exceed 40 lbs.

A person may be placed in jail for up to six months for making fun of someone who does not accept a challenge.

Stupid CoWorkers

Female CoWorker, struggling to pick up carton of printer paper: Can you help me with this?

Male CoWorker: This would be a good time to use the new hand cart.

Female CoWorker: Okay, yes, but I can’t even get it up off the floor.

Male CoWorker: So, you can’t get it up, huh?

Female CoWorker: No, that’s you.