Stupid Drivers

(I am a claims adjuster talking to a driver involved in a car accident. I am asking him questions to hear his side of the story of what happened.)

Me: “So there are 3 lanes on this highway? Were you in the left, middle, or right lane?”

Driver: “The right lane.”

(The police report indicates differently.)

Me: “Are you sure you were in the right lane?”

Driver: *thinking* “No, no, I was in the LEFT lane! You see, I’m left-handed, so everything is reversed for me.”

Stupid CoWorkers

Coworker #1: So I was reading a study the other day that said performing fellatio can cause oral cancer.

Manager: No, that’s not right. Where’d you read that?

Coworker #1: On Facebook!

(lively discussion ensues)

Coworker #1: Oh! I guess I was thinking of HPV, not cancer.

Manager: Well, duh, you puttin’ something dirty in yo mouth, of course you gonna get sick. You gonna put that penny in your mouth?

Coworker #1: No! That’s gross!

Manager: Or that plastic there?

Coworker #1: No! I get it! I forgot it was getting HPV from a dude, not cancer!


Coworker #2, chewing on a pen: Does this mean I’m gonna get cancer?

(entire office stares at her)

Coworker #2: From the pen!

Stupid Customers

Customer: “I’d like 50 Christmas stamps, please.”

Me: “What denomination?”

Customer: *befuddled* “Oh, my, has it come to this? Um, give me 22 Catholic, 12 Presbyterian, 10 Lutheran and 6 of the Baptists.”

Stupid CoWorkers

Coworker #1:: Look, it’s not. It’s 6.

Coworker #2: No, it’s not! It’s 9!

Coworker #1:: No, it’s not. Look at it! It’s 6!

Coworker #2: No, it’s 9!

(coworker #2 starts to access the file)

Coworker #1:: It’s 6, dude! I bet you!

Coworker #2: It’s 9!

(file comes up)

Coworker #2: Oh look, it’s 7.