Stupid CoWorkers

CoWorker #1: I’d like to put my son under my insurance

CoWorker #2: You can’t, you said he still lives in Hawaii. He needs to live in the United States.


Stupid CoWorkers

CoWorker #1: You think they put them away in the winter?

CoWorker #2: Put what away?

CoWorker #1: Those.

CoWorker #2: The Ferris wheels?

CoWorker #1: Yeah, so they don’t get all wet and snowed on.

CoWorker #2: Okay, where would you want to put them?

CoWorker #1, exasperated: I don’t know; a garage?

CoWorker #2: Who the hell hired you?

Stupid Customers

Customer: “Hi, I need you to fax something for me.”

Me: “Okay, we actually have a self-serve fax machine right over here.”

(I point to it as I walk over to it from my side of the counter.)

Customer: “But I don’t know how to fax.”

Me: “That’s okay. I’ll show you.”

Customer: “But I’ve never used one of those before.”

Me: “That’s why I’m going to show you how to use it.”

Customer: “No, I can’t, I’m not good with computers.”

Me: “Then you’re in luck: this isn’t a computer. It’s actually just like using a telephone.”

Customer: “Here, you just do it for me.”

Me: “I actually can’t, due to our privacy policy, but I will walk you through it.”

Customer: “But I don’t know how to use it!”

Me: “That’s why I said I would show you…”


Funny photos and tshirts are at

Stupid CoWorkers

CoWorker #1: Your body can burn like 5000 calories from breastfeeding in a day.

CoWorker #2: Oh, wow! Can you like breastfeed even if you don’t have a baby? That would be a great way to burn calories!

CoWorker #1: Yeah, not sure you would want to… Your boobs will get really big, and you are already big enough.

CoWorker #2: Why do they get so big?

CoWorker #1: Because they are full of milk!