Stupid Tech Support

I worked with an individual who plugged his power strip back into itself and for the life of him could not understand why his system would not turn on.

Stupid Tech Support

Him: “I can download games like Quake and play them during lunch, you know.”

Me: “We’re only allowed 10 megs in our accounts, and the system administrators would notice you downloading a large file.”

Him: “Nah, I could hack it so he couldn’t.”

Me: “Ah, so you are into hacking. By the way do you know any programming languages?”

Him: “Yeah, of course.”

Me: “Which ones?”

Him: “I can’t tell you or else you’ll use them.”

Me: “Just by mentioning C++ or Pascal or whatever will not instantly make me a genius with those languages.”

Him: “Oh sorry, I didn’t understand you. Yeah, I know C++ and Pascal.”

Me: “What compiler do you use?”

Him: “Well, Qbasic is my favorite.”

Me: “Nobody over the age of eight uses QBasic for serious purposes.”

Him: “But they made windows with QBasic.”

Stupid Tech Support

Customer: “I’ve just done a new Word document, saved it, then accidentally deleted it. Is there anything you can do to get it back?”

Tech Support: “Sorry, no, the backup isn’t run until night time.”

Customer: “Ohh, can we restore it tomorrow, then?”

Stupid Tech Support

Tech Support: “Have you made backups of your software and data?”

Customer: “I didn’t know it had a reverse.”