Stupid Tech Support

Customer: “One of my friends gave me an ImageWriter printer and this keyboard. He said he gave me all the cables, but I can’t figure out how to connect them. Am I missing something?”

Tech Support: “Well, a computer would help.”

Customer: “You mean this keyboard isn’t a word processor?”

Tech Support: “No ma’am, its just an input device.”

Customer: “Then I need to buy a computer, right?”

Tech Support: “Yes.”

Customer: “Do you think I’ll need a monitor, too?”

Stupid Students

My mom’s friend is a teacher at a nearby high school. Well, one day, she assigned her class a paper on World War 2. The day it was due, one boy came in empty handed. The teacher asked him why. He simply replied, “I went to every library I could find, but I found NOTHING on World War 2. I found a lot of books on World War 11, though

Stupid Students

An instructor in the BASIC programming language was teaching his class how to write a simple program and execute it. When each student had all their program steps keyed in, he told the class to type R-U-N and enter. A lady in the back of the class said that it didn’t work. It turned out, when the instructor had said to type R-U-N, she had typed, “are you in.”

Stupid Students

Scene: History of Africa class at a “selective” Big Ten University. A kid raises his hand and explains that his parents are from Morocco (Northwest Africa). Five minutes later, same kid raises hand and asks instructor: “Do they have TV in Africa”?