Stupid Customers

I work the front at an Italian Foods Store where we cater as well as sell lunch and take home foods. I live in one of the richest places in Canada (i dont have money however!) and you get used to seeing expensive cars pull up and a lot of nannies and stay home wives come in.

One day these two girls come in dressed to the nine’s with huge Vuitton bags on their arms. They order identical veal sandwiches and ask for extra veggies on them. We have a sign infront of the counter stating that 2-3 toppings are an extra $1.One girl gets a tart and the other a juice.So i ring them through and girl #1 throws her receipt down: ‘What is THIS’. I tell them about the extra dollar for toppings. She is like, “I cannot BELIEVE you charge extra for some mushrooms!” I tell her that i’m sorry but thats what i am supposed to do. So they compare bills (speaking in another language so i obviously can’t understand) and one goes ‘ Why aren’t our bills identical?’ I explain that the tart is considered a grocery item and does not include tax but the juice does. They stare at me if i have 4 eyes and they proceed to say somthing in their language, look at me and LAUGH AT ME IN MY FACE before they slam out the door. These girls clearly have money and were the cheapest people i’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen them in there again, if i did i would refuse to serve them.

Stupid Customers

While working in a small computer store one day I had a customer walk quickly into the store and right up to the counter.

Customer: “I want to buy a mainframe.”

Me: (playing along with the “joke”) “I think I have a couple of them out back.”

Customer: “Good. I need a mainframe because I want to learn how to program in COBOL. I’d prefer a Pentium mainframe, if you have one of those.”