Stupid Customers

Customer: “I’ve been signed up with your service for over a week, and have not been able to connect even once because of busy signals. If I can’t get any better service than that, I’m going to switch to another ISP.”

Tech Support: “Hmmm…that shouldn’t be happening. We’re no where near maxing out our dial up lines. Are you sure you’re dialing the right number?”

Customer: “I’m not stupid! I know my own phone number!”

Stupid Customers

A member of America Online called me (a member of the tech support staff for an Internet service provider with no affiliation with AOL) asking what her email address was. After figuring out she wasn’t registered with us, I politely pointed out that we were not America Online and she might get a better answer to her problem if she called the American Online support number.

Customer: “Oh, so I should call them?”

Tech Support: “Yes, they will probably be able to help you more than I can.”

Customer: “But you’re an Internet Service Provider! It says so right here in the phone book! If you don’t want to help me fine. Thank you, have a good day.” [click]

Stupid Customers

A guy asked me what he could buy to bootleg dvd movies. I told him to come back in 6 months when dvd recorders will be down in price.

Stupid Customers

The photo lab is owned by “the photo company” but is right next to electronics There is a sign that says closed at 8:00 P.M. People walk over to electronics mad cause there is no one to get their photos. Sometimes I have extra time. Other times it takes 10 min or more if I have 10 customers at electronics

Then there is the worst case scenario, which happens once a week at photo. The parson’s photo’s are not in the cabnet The person gets mad at me cause I can’t find it. I search 3 times threw 50 that are by last name. I call my boss. The photos are not there. The person is mad at me, my boss and——. We rent the space to “the photo company” We get blamed for a area that we do not even own.

I had one woman tell me off on the phone. “I’m not photo, they are closed, come in tomorrow and tell all this to the photo girl. There is nothing I can help you with. ”