Stupid Bosses

I work for a small company – I mean really small. Basically it is the Owner, The Office Manager, and me, the Graphic Designer. When I took the job I was not aware that the Office Manager and the owner where dating. The Owner is never around and she acts like she is my boss – or “my boss through injection” as I like to call it. This would be fine if she was not such a total pain! Firstly, she makes edits to my work that the customer did not even request, just so that she can exercise her control-freak nature. Secondly, she is running the business into the ground…

Stupid Bosses

I work a turgid minimum wage job in a mid-sized engineering plant whilst putting myself through college. I’ve been there for five years and have had three people to answer to in that time. For the first three years I had a male boss in his mid 40s who, while harsh and snappy at times, was generally OK to work with. Then about two years ago, he became quite ill – nothing serious, but enough to put him out of commission at a time when we were extraordinarily busy with an order and working very long hours…

Stupid Bosses

I was hired with a Property Management Company a few years ago. I worked for them for less than 6 months. At first it seemed as though this was an answer to my prayers to be hired by “Such a wonderful Company!”

During my interview they made it clear to me that they were so happy to find someone with my experience and qualifications applying for the position. Wonderful!

I was assigned to a certain housing complex. Being in the Title of Live on Site Maintenance of 350 unit Town Houses in which their was one that was mine to live in…

Stupid Bosses

So yeah…I started working in this place just over a year ago and right out of college. I was late getting my degree and had worked in the non-profit sector for years and years, so this job looked great to me not only because of the pay (it pays very well, I’ll give it that), but also because I was guaranteed a work schedule that would accommodate further education. The catch? I had to work a very nontraditional schedule for a few months, six months max, and I would need to work in other departments as needed until my department was fully ready.

Okay. No problem….