Stupid Bosses

I work for a multi million dollar corporation that has six owners most of which have never even been a manager some worked for burger king before this. one has little mans syndrome he has to be the big shot and yell at everyone except his sister in law nad the girl that does all his work for him. one is a womanizing pig that thinks everyone wants him and he is the most important.

Stupid Bosses

I work with this boss that is such a bitch! If you don’t kiss her ass or cater to her she treats you like crap. Lets also add she has these cronies who follow her around just so they can get what ever they want. I was made assistant manager and a month later, I quit. Why? According to her, she stated that my co-workers said I would go in the office when they were busy. Supposedly I was also waving money bags around, while on my way to get change or make a deposit. Oh please!!! I do more work in that shop than everyone else, the register doesn’t lie! It keeps track of everyone’s’ transactions. Apparently one of the bosses cronies wanted my job. She is going to think about taking over as asst. manager. Why doesn’t she just say she’s going to do it? I’ve worked in that shop for four years…I’m tired of being so damn dependable and get treated like s***, yet the others who take days off, come in late, and get mouthy with the boss are treated fair! What kind of crap is that??? Gosh! It aggravates me to no end! One day they’ll ALL get their payback. What comes around goes around…and theirs is going to be a big one!

Stupid Bosses

I am so fucking pissed off!!! I gave those sons of bitches 3 years of my life. I was a faithful employee (Albert if you are reading this you know I am right,you punk bitch)But what do I get? Laid the fuck off. I understand that shit is tight and no one wants the bullshit and therefore American Frozen Foods makes no money. But my beef is the way it was done…Punk ass Albert didn’t have the backbone to say it himself…He flew in some prick from the office in N.Y. to do it. I hope you see this,Albert. Be a man. I don’t know why you couldnt do it yourself. Were you afraid you’d get your ass kicked? Were you afraid that you’d get pumped full of lead? I don’t see why because none of the above would have happened because a job is not worth going to the penitentiary for.

Stupid CoWorkers

I have worked under a few incompetants in my short life, but this one really takes the biscuit. I work at a popular sandwich chain. The owner and the ONE manager are CRAZY about cost-cutting; nothing new here. But they have taken this insanity to the absolute limit.

Apparently this place is in a state of constant turnover. The manager (a self-proclaimed “perfectionist”) hires anyone who shows up to the interview. The guy who started 2 days before me was fired in less than a week for “not smiling enough.” Yikes! People are getting fired and quitting left and right.

On top of that, we are no longer allowed to put anything on the sandwiches. We actually DICE the green peppers to “save money”, so that the peppers resemble a wet, nasty paste. Every time I make a sandwich, customers hover over me, saying “more…more…” The onions are a sick paste, too, and the tomatoes are usually rotten, but we’re not allowed to throw them away.

But the real problem is scheduling. It used to be that 2 people would close together, the shift being 5 to 10:30. Now 2 people are scheduled at 5, but one has to go home at 8:30, and everything MUST be done by then. And guess who gets to go home early? Lucky me, working 10 hours a week.

I almost forgot to mention that the manager never shows up- she watches the cameras from her computer at home. One faces the register, the other faces the prep table. She calls once or twice a nnight to remind us to use less green peppers or to see how we’re doing.

Well, that’s my rant; better go, I’ll be late for my 3 hour shift!”