Stupid CoWorkers

I am a 23 year old ESL teacher living and working in Japan. Here is my story. . .

Fcking hell! I have just had the worst day to end all worst days! I am soooo angry every second word that comes out of my mouth is FCKING, so please forgive me if I over do the cuss words just a little.

This is all thanks to one person…

Let me start of by telling you about this person. She is a Japanese woman who works as my co teacher at one of the schools I work at. I have known her for about seven months now and have tried my best to put up with her snake grin and false smile but today was the end. It would be impossible for me to write about even half of this woman`s personality disorder or how it has been displayed over the months I have known her, partly because I have forgotten half and partly because what I do remember would be too long for even the longest of Emails. She has drove me round the bend with her mood swings and constant up-and-down behaviour. One minute she will be falling asleep, the next she will be on her feet shouting at the kids in some insane crazy woman attempted to motivate them that just does not work….