Stupid CoWorkers

For several days now the new man they hired to replace the one they had that moved on for more fruitful endevors has been acting like a jerk . They gave him the job to collect the key cards to the buildings that needed cleaning . When I went to give him back the key card he just stood in the entryway and ignored me . I banged on the door and then put the card in the door crack . I told him where it was if he was interested and he still stood there like a bump on a log . So I got in my car and drove off . I pulled away far enough to see if he was going to get the card which he didn’t so I circled around and pulled up in front again and he still stood there and I told him to take the card or I would report him to his boss . He finally came to the door and took the card and then as I got into my car he yelled at me and said better change your attitude or you can find yourself another job . With that little piece of his mind I left and turned up the cd on the radio and drowned out his threat . If he wants to tell my boss that’s fine . If he gets me fired that’s fine . My wages are only 6.50 an hour and he’s cut my hours to three a day . So what else can they do to me ? He can’t do much since he’s only been there less than three weeks . I’ve been working for 8 years at 6 an hour so if they cut my wages I can still get by on 6 .